7 Days Spent with Royal.io Web3 Music Investment Platform
How would you feel if someone offered you to get a piece of revenue your favorite band or musician makes from their YouTube or Spotify streams? That’s exactly what Royal.io does.
7 Days spent on Catalog.works Web3 Music NFT Platform
On Catalog.works you don’t mint – you PRESS! Find out how we felt on this Web3 music platform, amazing artists we recommend residing there, and what we know about their business model.
Web3 Music Academy
Music NFT Startup is evolving (not unexpectedly) into the project we’ve been searching for from the beginning. Please welcome, Web3 Music Academy (MusicAcademy.io)
7 Days with Nina – Web3 Music Platform Review
The world of Music NFTs is ever-growing, and the number of ways in which Web3 can serve the musicians and fans is expanding beyond whatever was possible before. Nina Protocol is the child of simplicity and futurism, which has many prospects in the music industry.
Music NFT Quiz
Let’s challenge your level of expertise in the music NFT space! Will you be able to answer all 10 questions about NFT terminology, stakeholders, platforms, and approaches correctly?
Music NFT vs. Music
A month ago when I started researching on Music NFT…