Ready to put your knowledge of the NFT and Web3 to a test? This quiz will show how well equipped you are with understanding the Web3 and NFT lingo, which platforms and key stakeholders in music industry you know, and whether your own manners are a good fit for the music NFT arena!
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HD Quiz powered by harmonic design
#1. What’s ‘airdrop’?
#2. What are the “splits”?
#3. Which ones are Web3 platforms?
Select all that apply:
#4. What IM is most popular among the NFT community? (so far, 2022)
#5. What’s NOT a good example of a music NFT “utility”
#6. Saying DYOR is almost the same as adding [____] to what you said
#7. What’s the opposite of WAGMI?
#8. Which of these artists are already in NFT and Web3 space?
#9. What are the examples of bad behaviour in Web3 space?
Select all that apply:
#10. What blockchain can you mint music NFTs on?
Select all that apply: