Music NFT Startup
onboarding musicians to web3
in-depth web3 and nft music platform reviews
building a music nft startup with web3 community
discovering the web3 music nft ecosystem
How can a musician leverage Web3 platforms and NFTs?
Out of a variety of benefits music NFT and blockchain bring to the music industry, we focus on collaboration and reward systems.

For Musicians
Detailed reviews of music NFT and Web3 platforms

For Fans and Collectors
Guidance on engaging the music community in Web3

For Music Businesses
Translating Web2 expertise into Web3 success stories
Latest Posts
Pianity NFT Platform and Features Update
Pianity is the first platform we recommend when we are asked where a musician should start their Web3 journey. Let’s talk about the updates and new features that were introduced after we conducted an in-depth review.
7 Days Spent with Web3 Music Investment Platform
How would you feel if someone offered you to get a piece of revenue your favorite band or musician makes from their YouTube or Spotify streams? That’s exactly what does.
7 Days in Melos.Studio Web3 Music Platform
The journey into one of the most innovative music NFT platforms is over! For the first time, we actually created a music piece with the help of an in-browser AI application and minted it as NFT.
Standing Up
We’ve started the Web3 Music Academy – the long sought web3 music business opportunity. This is a quick reflection on how things are going so far.
7 Days with Web3 Musicians on
7 days on Audius turned into 10, because I had to take 3 days break due to frustration it caused. It’s not all that bad, in some ways it’s a role model platform, but read in to find out what sucks on and what Web3 musicians have to deal with.
7 Days spent on Web3 Music NFT Platform
On you don’t mint – you PRESS! Find out how we felt on this Web3 music platform, amazing artists we recommend residing there, and what we know about their business model.
WEb3 and THE Music NFT industry are ambitious and vast. the good news is we are early.
Season 1
May - September 2022
We are reviewing a set of 10 most popular Web3 music platforms based on Twitter voting. The review is a result of in-depth presence on the platform for the duration of 7 days.
That's where we are right now.
Season 2
October 2022
Cross-platform review will be performed to assess the music NFT and Web3 platforms on the dimensions (eg., income opportunities, audience, and community) important for the musicians.
Season 3
November - December 2022
The format is TBA soon! We are aiming to produce the ultimate guidance on how to establish musicians' and performers' presence in Web3 space, which will come out in a shape of the challenge/quest for Web3 musicians.