I moved around quite a lot, and surely will tell all about my journey at some point. But I guess it’s worth summarising how and why I decided to pursue something in NFT music world.
I had a really crappy computer when I was a kid, the majority of games either wouldn’t fit on our hard drive, or wouldn’t even start. I did get a copy of Fruity Loops 2 from my older brother’s classmate when I was 11, and to my surprise, the video card was good enough to playback the super simple rolls that I could put together. I kept experimenting, and by the time FL Studio 7 was released composing music was my main passion.
But passions do fade away and other priorities get on the way. I’ve got a full time corporate job now, me and my wife are raising 12 and 2 year old daughters. I’m guessing it kicks in at some point for every adult when you start questioning your position in life – will I be able to provide enough for my children in the next couple of decades? Am I happy with my career? I always knew that I’m good at working for somebody, but never saw myself doing it throughout my life. I want my own business.
Always wanted to start something and bring it up. It’s far from my first attempt to start something, and maybe not the last one either. But I’m attributing previous fails to a lack of commitment, which comes from a lack of long-term interest in whatever I tried to start in the past. I was really out of ikigai by at least 2 dimensions each time.
This time I know it’s different as I know that anything music-related will keep my attention for the long run. I believe in the opportunities that NFT provide to improve the music industry, and the benefits it will provide for every stakeholder.
This website is dedicated to capturing the reflections on this journey. This is where we start, April 9, 2022. Let’s get it started!